Sustainable development has always been an IQPC business strategy. Our efforts to provide the best outcome for human and natural environments around us, both now and into the future, have given us the means to create an environment that is clean, safe, and desirable. One of our highest priorities has always been to improve the environment for generations to come in this ever-changing world in which we find ourselves today.
IQPC's product life cycle begins at the end, and ends at the beginning. By reversing the normal order of our products’ origin, we are able to design and create products with a better overall impact for the environment. Examples of our efforts in sustainable product development include meeting and surpassing all Volatile Organic Compound regulations while pushing for lower limits; using safer raw materials; right-size packaging; recyclable tinplate steel and aluminum cans; and cardboard boxes which contain 25% post-consumer recycled material. Throughout the entire life of the product, IQPC's sustainability efforts are present.
Our facilities are no exception to IQPC's efforts toward sustainability. Our manufacturing plant and offices include a zero-effluent waste program; energy conservation program; paper, cardboard, and steel recycling programs; pallet recycling program; and a carpooling program.
We have years of experience fueling a conservation mindset within the company. Creating individual awareness in our employees and suppliers has produced results that far exceed the investment of time and resources. This awareness empowers IQPC with the direction and knowledge needed to continue being a sustainability leader in the industry.