
Product Diversity

Consumer Products
The underlying purpose of all high-quality chemical consumer products is to improve the quality of our lives. The markets for such products are very diverse. Since our technologies have many and varied applications, we have developed a similarly diverse range of consumer products for an ever-increasing number of market segments which presently includes: Medical & OTC Pharmaceutical Products, Beauty and Grooming Care Products, Household Care Products, Automotive Care Products, Insecticides for the Home & Garden, Mosquito Repellents, and Electronic Equipment Care Products.

Product line diversity helps us to lower the cost of our products to our customers by optimizing manufacturing and distribution costs.  Our  customers  benefit  by the simplicity and cost advantage of sourcing such a diverse range of high-quality products from a single source. And our high-quality standards and high-speed automated manufacturing capabilities help our customers by assuring the highest level of product quality and timely availability.